I. "Catholic"
II. Who is Catholic?
III. What are the true teachings of the Catholic Faith?
IV. Is it necessary to be Catholic to be saved?
V. Can the Church’s Dogmatic teaching change?
VI. What must we do to be truly called Catholic?
II. Who is Catholic?
III. What are the true teachings of the Catholic Faith?
IV. Is it necessary to be Catholic to be saved?
V. Can the Church’s Dogmatic teaching change?
VI. What must we do to be truly called Catholic?
And so now is the time that having being filled with all of
the theoretical knowledge about the realities of the Catholic Church and Faith
and its necessity for salvation we will now turn to practical matters. What follows is a list of essential practices
which are a natural outgrowth of what we believe in our hearts as Catholics,
the truth of Jesus Christ, and a way of showing forth Christ in our own person:
-Hold fast to all of the true teachings of the One, Holy,
Catholic, and Apostolic Church.
-Frequent the Sacraments of Penance and the Eucharist
-Follow all Six of the precepts of the Church:
1- To
attend Mass on Sundays and holydays of obligation
2- To fast and abstain on the days
3- To confess our sins at least
once a year.
4- To receive the Blessed Eucharist
at Easter or within the time
5- To contribute to the support of
our Pastors.
6- Not to solemnize marriage at the
forbidden times; nor to marry persons within the forbidden degrees of kindred,
or otherwise prohibited by the Church, nor secretly.
-Devote your life to serving and loving the most Sacred
Heart of Jesus and the most Immaculate and Sorrowful Heart of Mary in whatever
state of life God has called you to.
-Set aside at least 15 minutes each day for Mental Prayer
-Make a good morning offering every Day
-Set aside at least 15 minutes each day for Mental Prayer
-Make a good morning offering every Day
-Pray at least 5 decades of the Rosary every day, and join
the Archconfraternity of the Most Holy Rosary.
-Pray 3 Hail Mary’s every morning and every night for
holiness and a happy death.
-Wear the Brown Scapular (or better yet the Five-fold
Scapular) and be enrolled in it.
-Perform the Spiritual Works of Mercy
- To instruct the ignorant;
- To counsel the doubtful;
- To admonish sinners;
- To bear wrongs patiently;
- To forgive offences willingly;
- To comfort the afflicted;
- To pray for the living and the dead.
-Perform the Corporal Works of Mercy
- To feed the hungry;
- To give drink to the thirsty;
- To clothe the naked;
- To harbour the harbourless;
- To visit the sick;
- To ransom the captive;
- To bury the dead.
13 Essential Means
to attaining Salvation
(Compiled by Father John Fongemie, F.S.S.P., and based upon
Father Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange’s “The Priest in Union with Christ” and Dom
Chautard’s “The Soul of the Apostolate”)
-Have a great desire for Holiness, “Be you therefore
perfect, as also your heavenly Father is perfect.” –Matt 5:48
-Conformity to the Will of God and abandonment to Divine
Providence and to follow the Vocation God will’s for us.
-Fidelity to the Graces we receive each day and a devotion
to the Holy Ghost
-The practice of the presence of God, i.e. Jesus in the
Eucharist and the Blessed Trinity in our Souls when we are in the State of
Grace. Attending daily Mass, making spiritual
communions, praying the Rosary, etc.
-Examination of conscience each day.
-Frequent Confession.
-External and internal mortification
-Willingness to makes sacrifices.
-Plan of life. Living
a timetable each day that makes time for prayer.
-Spiritual Reading, reading of good and holy Catholic books
according to our state in life and aptitude.
-Spiritual Direction.
Everyone needs regular spiritual director, which means getting a good
spiritual director.
-Good friendships.
Meaning making friends with those who are trying to live good and holy
-Mental Prayer.
“Every Saint, became a Saint, because of mental prayer.” –Saint
Alphonsus Liguori
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